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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

India says he is ours!

     Today we got the incredible news that our written court order finalizing Holden's adoption in India is complete!  Finally, the truth we have known in our hearts for the past 12 months is true on paper and recognized by the Indian government.  Our little boy is fully, and completely, without reservation, our son. 

Here is our first family photo, taken on December 29th outside the orphanage in Bangalore.

I can't believe I can actually show off my boy to the world now!  I've waited so long for this!  He's pretty awesome :) 

I teared up reading the court order.  There were a few parts I especially loved.  Twice it says, "they would bestow all love and affection on the minor child."  Yes... yes we will bestow ALL love and affection on this dear, sweet boy.  Yes, India, you are 100% right!

It also says, "The minor child shall get the status of natural born son..."   I was amazed at how exactly right the court in Bangalore got this.  This is exactly what adoption is.  This child is our son, just as though he had been born to us.  There is no difference in our love for him or how much he belongs to us and our family... how much we all belong together.  He is ours.  He is our real son!  This is exactly the picture of the way God adopts each of us into His family.

"Instead, you received God’s Spirit when he adopted you as his own children.  Now we call him, “Abba, Father.” For his Spirit joins with our spirit to affirm that we are God’s children."
Romans 8: 15b-16

My sweet boy is not an orphan anymore.  He belongs.  He is so very desperately wanted and loved.  Thankful for my heavenly Father who tells me I belong and am loved too. Lord, help me to love this sweet boy the way you do:  unconditionally, sacrificially, perfectly.  I still cannot get over this incredible blessing of a child that has been placed in our lives.  We are so undeserving, but God is so rich and extravagant in His love and blessings. 

Still praying for the day when every child in the world can say, "I am no longer an orphan.  I belong.  I am loved." 



  1. Yay!! Congratulations! I hope the time to your travel goes by very quickly! :)

  2. I love, love, love this. And he is HANDSOME! :-) I'm am exceedingly happy for you guys (and insanely jealous of you!....heehe)

  3. What a beautiful photo of your family!! He is a doll -- so handsome! Praying that the passport wait is SHORT!

    If you don't mind saying, where is he being cared for? Our daughter is also waiting in Bangalore . . .

    1. Hi Nancy,
      He lives with a foster family, but the orphanage, Vathsalya Charitable Trust oversees his care, trains the foster families, etc. Hope your daughter gets to come home soon!
      Beth Anne

  4. Congratulations, he's beautiful! :)

  5. LOVE LOVE LOVE!! Can't wait to meet him this summer!

  6. CONGRATS!!!!! Ah, this post brought tears to my eyes!! I am so happy for you and your beautiful son!! Will be praying for a speedy passport!!!

  7. I have goosebumps reading this. Those were some of my thoughts as I read our written order. I am so happy for you guys and so happy for him. He is absolutely precious!

  8. I have fallen very far behind on blog reading, but just saw this post and I am SO HAPPY for you! Congratulations on your precious son! God is so good!

  9. We are in india at the moment :) Our son is also from VCT they really provide excellent care for the children :)Congratulations!
